May 17, 2024
One Minute Communication Tips

A Simple Way to Critique Yourself and Improve Your Presentation PDF Print Email

Why don’t most people practice presentations out loud? Many believe that preparing the slides is enough. Or they simply don’t have time. But it’s really simple to practice out loud—in front of a mirror at home, in front of a safe “family audience” member or with a colleague at work.

We often have a hard time understanding how we come across in a presentation unless we’ve seen ourselves on camera.

So here you go...3 Reasons to Practice Out Loud:

1.) You get your pacing down

2.) You figure out how best to deliver key phrases and messages

3.) You don’t read the slides

Secrets to Being a Persuasive Speaker PDF Print Email

Aristotle, the Greek philosopher, identified three keys to success in public speaking that still hold true today:

1. Use Logic—Facts. Make your content useful and understand that your facts won’t always stand alone. Provide context to make sense to your audience.

2. Appeal to Pathos—Emotion. Understand your audiences’ state of mind. Show how your course of action will solve their problems.

3. Build Ethos—Credibility. Present your expertise in a credible fashion.

Keep these three simple thoughts top of mind to be more persuasive in your next speech.

"People buy into the leader before they buy into the vision."
–John C. Maxwell

Leader Or Manager: 8 Questions to Assess Your Skills PDF Print Email

What’s the difference between being a leader and a manager? It’s not an easy answer. Books, seminars and college courses address this topic regularly. We believe strongly in ONE aspect that defines a leader – excellent communication skills. A "yes" answer to these questions means you are exhibiting leadership in this aspect of your communication abilities.

  1. Do you exhibit communication agility in a variety of situations?
  2. Do you deliver impactful formal presentations? 
  3. Are you aware of how others perceive you? 
  4. Do you present a polished, executive presence?
  5. Do you maintain productive relationships with senior leaders?
  6. Do you use influence to drive strategy?
  7. Can you command a room with appropriate confidence levels?
  8. Do you remain poised under pressure?

Every day, find your opportunity to improve your communication skills. Become more effective in the workplace, in your community and with your families.

"If you call yourself a leader and no one is following, you’re just out getting some exercise."
–Tavis Smiley

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